
LCA 2015 - Day 1 Clouded Over by Containers

The miniconf on Clouds, Containers and Orchestration was extremely well attended!

Today's conference was marked by the over-abundant use of one word - 'container'. The container has taken the VM universe by storm and how! And now that you have LXC containers, you need to be able to manage them, migrate them, snapshot them, package them, cluster them, multiplex them and so forth. Enter a slew of solutions, some competing directly against others, and the rest with some degree of overlap.

Btw, second only to 'container' was 'docker'.

Here's a roadmap of sorts:
Google's kubernetes clusters containers.
CoreOS's rocket is an alternative to docker.
OpenShift is a smoothie of containers, docker, kubernetes, atomic and other ingredients.
Then there Mesos for clustering and HAProxy for load balancing.

Tomorrow's flavor is looking a lot like OpenStack.

In the meanwhile, a snippet of the Maori Welcome at today's start of conference: