
Capacitive Sensing Irrigation

Now here's a project I have been working bits and pieces on so far.

The idea: Moisture sensors with mesh networking talk to a main sprinkler-valve controller. Familiar enough.

The twist? Home-made capsense moisture sensors. Super excited about these. Moisture sensors cost a ton. The typical hand-made sensor uses 2 galvanized nails and is resistive. Nails corrode over time and among other problems, require frequent re-calibration. Enter: capsense using a PCB. Terrific idea and most of all, I'll get to play with raw capacitive sensing!

For the test circuit, I will be hard-wiring it up. As the next step, the mesh network sounds like a great idea for sensors to talk to the controller.

For the controller, I'm using a robotics microcontroller - the NXP mbed LPC 1768. The really cool bit is that code compiles online and generates a .bin. To run this on the target, I just need to drop the .bin in its file system and reset the micro-controller. Love it!

Terminal connectivity to mbed:
For example: screen /dev/tty.usbmodem1412

So far:
  1. Controller: I ran the hello world program on mbed for blinking of LED1 and also a test of analog input
  2. Sensor: Made a 555 pulse generator of 2Hz frequency with (a different) led blinking and connected the moisture sensor to this to create high-pass filter to modulate the output pulse-width. (I will post the circuit diagram on github once it is tested and ready.)
Next step: write an adc program to read the input from the capsense. Connect these 2 (the sensor circuit and the controller) and run tests to my hearts content.